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- From the Principal
- Awards
- Parent Teacher Conversations
- Winter Wellness
- Northern Midlands Cross Country
- Kinder-Gr2 Cross Country Carnival
- Garden News
- Illuminate Challenge
- KMHS Dance
- Walking/Running around Tassie
- Happy Birthday
- Coming Events Calendar
- Term Dates
- Community Notices
- Leadership and Support Staff
Dear Families
It was fantastic to see so many families and students attend our Winter Celebration Evening. As a school we love opportunities to be come together and build connections and relationships with our families. We appreciate you supporting the event and look forward to holding it again next year.
On Monday mid-year reports were sent home to families. This is a great time to check in with your child/ren around how their learning is progressing. During this week and next, learning conversations will be held at school. We really value the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning with you. We encourage students to also be part of these conversations. There are still slots available, so if you have not had a chance to book yet, please book online or call the office. Senior staff are also available for conversations during this time. We look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks.
One of our student wellbeing focus goals is around improving attendance. If your child is well then they must attend school every day. We understand there are many situations where it can be challenging for students to attend. Recently we surveyed some students around what they enjoy about school and what the challenges were around attendance. Students named up positive relationships with staff and their peers, as well as having different activities to do at break times as reasons they enjoyed coming to school. In response to this student feedback, we are increasing our engagement strategies for students. We also have an attendance team who can provide you and your child with support. Please contact the school if you need assistance with your child’s attendance.
In partnership
Candice Burnett
Congratulations to students for receiving Certificates at our Assembly last week.
Learning conversations (Grades Prep-6) will occur Tuesday 18th June 3:00-4:30pm, Tuesday 25th June 3:00-4:30pm and Thursday 27th June 3:00-7:00pm. We encourage students to attend 3-way conversations with their parent/guardian and teacher. Members of the leadership team and specialist teachers are also available for conversations via appointment during this time. All conversations will be held in the General Purpose Room.
Conversations can be booked via this website:
This site will be accessible from 5th-26th June. If you require any support in making an appointment, please contact the office.
In preparation for these conversations, we ask families to consider speaking with their child about learning goals to help guide the conversation.
Northern Midlands Cross Country
On Thursday the 6th of June our Northern Midlands Cross Country team participated in the Carnival at Deloraine. Congratulations to our team for their sportmanship on the day, well done!
Kinder-Gr2 Cross Country Carnival
On Wednesday 26th of June we will be holding our ECE Cross Country Carnival. This year, the Aussie Sports Leaders are planning the event. They have designed the course to have lots of obstacles to test our young runners. We invite families to come and support our K-2 students on the day.
The event will start at 1:40pm and conclude around 2:40pm on the school oval. Times for each grade group are below. For safety and in line with our DECYP policies we ask that families stay in the designated viewing areas and avoid approaching students.
We are also seeking donations for extra obstacle equipment such as bailing twine, hay bales etc. All donated equipment can be salvaged provided it is still in good working order after the event. If you can assist with donations, please contact the school or email Mr Ellis at
Times of events:
1:30 – students gather on oval
1:40 - Prep
1:55 – Kinder
2:10 – Grade 1
2:25 – Grade 2
2:40 – Conclusion and pack up. Student will return to their classrooms and be dismissed at the usual time. If you would like to sign your child at the conclusion of the event, you are able to do this through the office in the usual way.
For further information please contact Mr Ellis via email (
Have you heard about Ghost Mushrooms? They produce a chemical called luciferin that shines with green light, so they actually glow-in-the-dark.
Did you know that mushrooms help make rain form? The spores they release are a catalyst for droplet formation.
It's been an absolute joy to learn about the incredible world of fire and fungi this term. Small groups have been lighting up the rocket stove with Megs and brewing bush tea. The 'ComPasta Chefs' have been donning their chef's hats and cooking up a storm with garden organics. The story group has been hearing students own tales of the bush brought to life in creative ways. On top of this, each group has been growing mushrooms back in class. The 3 /4 Freeman/Talbot classroom is home to an Oyster Mushroom forest at the moment and we hope to try the 3 /4 Ross Lion's Mane in garden soon.
Up next is a fire and fungi celebration session next Friday with special guest from Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service, Aboriginal Fire Officer, Teangi Brown!
Thank you to Tim at West Tamar Fungi for the discount on mushroom kits.
Thanks to Aidan and Mark for four new tree ferns in the outdoor classroom.
And thanks to the Woolworths Junior Landcare partnership for a $1000 grant towards new garden beds and the construction of a learning wall in the outdoor classroom.
This week some of our grade 5/6 students are joining students from across the Northern Midlands taking part in the Illuminate Challenge at the Longford Memorial Hall. They are being inspired to address the communities largest challenges that they see, solving them in creative ways with new business and community ideas. Along the way building the skills to be confident, creative and capable.
The Illuminate Community Challenge is in partnership with the Northern Midlands Business Association with support from the Northern Midlands Council and Kinetic.
Thank you to KMHS students dance class for visiting our school. Our grade 3/4’s had so much fun!
This week for Daily Fitness we are walking/running around Tasmania. Each morning we add up the metres around the oval that we all do. After leaving Longford we are now at Derwent Bridge.
3D Printing
Students have enjoyed receiving their 3D prints this term. Here are some of the creations 3-6 students have designed or adapted for printing.
Hex Bug Tracks
3/4s have now finished their Hex bug obstacle tracks. Here are some of their creations and works in progress.
Slime and Construction
Prep-2 classes enjoyed construction and slime experiments recently. Here are some of their creations.
Sun Art
Earlier this term, Prep students learnt how to make Sun prints with Cyanotype paper, which leaves an outline of objects left on the paper from the sunlight. Afterwards, the paper must be rinsed, which leaves a lasting outline of their chosen natural and non-natural objects.
Breakfast Club Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am | ||
June | 25 | Parent Teacher conversations 3-4:30pm |
26 | Kinder-Grade 2 Cross Country 1:30pm | |
27 | Parent Teacher conversations 3-7pm | |
July | 5 | Term 2 concludes |
22 | First day of Term 3 |
Term 2 |
Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July |
Term 3 |
Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September |
Term 4 |
Monday 14th October to Thursday 19th December |
Leadership Staff
Principal | Mrs Candice Burnett |
AST | Mrs Jen Copeland, Mrs Jodi Claxton, Mr Justin Nobes, Mrs Jess Jackson |
Support Staff
Psychologist | Mrs Caitlyn Osborne | Thursday |
School Nurse | Miss Amy Bradley | Wednesday |
Speech Pathologist | Mrs Rachel Wilkes | Term2&4 |
Social Worker | Mr Dan Wharepouri | Wednesday |